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How To Improve Your Reputation.

How To Improve Your Reputation.

In all things, it's harder to build than to destroy. Building a good reputation requires effort, patience, and time. Destroying a good reputation only requires a single moment's misstep. The secret to building a good reputation? Become a person who deserves one. Take consistent action that embodies the characteristics you want others to associate with you. Don't just mouth the platitudes of hard work, attention to detail, loyalty, and drive—live them. In fact, don't mouth them at all. Let others discover them in you. A reputation is a fragile thing. It requires constant feeding. Consistency is crucial. If you live up to your reputation 99 percent of the time but fail to do so 1 percent of the time, you risk disproportionate damage if the person you let down is highly influential in your network. A good reputation shouldn't be an end in itself but rather a natural outgrowth of your striving to be the person you most want to be. The Benefits of a Good Reputation You can't stop others from maligning you, but a good reputation can come to your rescue when people rise to your defense without your even knowing it. We are, in fact, all caretakers of one another's reputations. In a society in which simply being accused is enough to render a conviction in the court of public opinion, we would all do well to presume not only innocence but goodness until facts prove otherwise. We all need to be kinder and gentler with one another. A good reputation provides you a target at which to keep aiming. Sometimes you may not feel like you deserve your reputation, that's it's better than you are. Rather than lament your weaknesses, let your good reputation serve as motivation for you to try to improve yourself. A good reputation represents a great marketing strategy. When I find a service provider of any kind whose performance outshines their competition, they become like gold to me. I use them repeatedly, recommend them enthusiastically to others, and don't begrudge paying them what they're worth. A good reputation inspires others. We all need positive role models, even the best and brightest among us.
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